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jueves, 4 de enero de 2018

CLIL in Europe Implementation of Bilingual Education in Spain Case Study: Madrid; results so far

CLIL in Europe Implementation of Bilingual Education in Spain Case Study

Teaching/learning Innovative workshop prepared by 
Dr. Beatriz López Medina & Dr. Òscar O. Santos-Sopena 
(Universidad Nebrija) 
Enrique Ruiz Cano (C.E.I.P. Andrés García Soler) 

The purpose of this teaching workshop is to introduce the CLIL approach into different contexts. We will start by describing briefly the main features and the kinds of CLIL. Afterwards, we will analyse how it has been implemented in Spain and will focus on the scarce results of research carried out up to now in the Spanish contexts. Finally, we will present two classroom examples where different resources (hands on and technology) are used.

PART I: Short introduction to CLIL, approach, kinds: soft CLIL /hard CLIL.

PART II: Implementation of bilingual education in Spain. Case study: Madrid: results so far.

PART III: CLIL into practice: two scenarios (with and without technology).

Questions and discussion.

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